I wish you all a healthy and sporty 2011

6 01 2011
In bad health training feels like riding a square wheeled bike

In bad health training feels like riding a square wheeled bike

I haven’t been writting for a while but I think my excuse is a genuine one. It’s not a lack of time but just poor health and lack of energy. I’m not going to get in detail about all the health problems I had to endure during the last few months but one thing just let to an other and the snowball of troubles and symptoms  just got bigger and bigger.

As a long time endurance athlete  I’m quite used to feel pain and push myself. I think that’s what I like about it so much. The problem for me is quite often that I don’t really recognise symptoms and my pain  and stress treshold is quite high. I just keep going. In the end my body just shut downs and riding my bike feels like I ride a bike with square wheels.  It’s time to recover and heal. Because I don’t recognise the symptoms or don’t really feel that bad ( in my opinion) when getting ill at first I just have pushed myself too far and the recovery will take quite long.

I have learned a lot over the years about this so when I feel unwell I usually visit a doctor and I try to seek treatment asap but sometimes I just don’t seem to notice.

One thing I know…good health is a key to hapinness and people just don’t think about this enough! Don’t take your health for granted and take care of yourself and the people close to you!